Making Big Ideas Happen



Flood in Surakarta, Central Java. Photo credit: Prabu Panji/Unsplash
  • adaptation
  • climate change
  • IPCC
  • vulnerability
NbS mampu menghadirkan multimanfaat dan bersifat lebih adaptif daripada infrastruktur fisik. Foto: CHUTTERSNAP/Unsplash
  • adaptation
  • climate change
  • flood
  • natural infrastructure

Climate Action Must Progress Far Faster to Achieve 1.5 C Goal

  • Climate
  • agriculture
  • climate change
  • climate science
  • deforestation
  • electricity
  • forest
  • industry
  • Paris Agreement
  • renewable energy
  • Climate
  • agriculture
  • climate change
  • climate science
  • deforestation
  • electricity
  • forest
  • industry
  • Paris Agreement
  • renewable energy

A Low-Carbon Recovery Can Create Jobs and Boost Indonesia’s Economy

  • Forests & Land Use
  • Climate
  • coal
  • coronavirus
  • economy
  • energy
  • forest
  • Indonesia
  • low carbon development
  • palm oil
  • renewable energy
A green stimulus can help Indonesia build back better from COVID-19. Photo by Henry Sudarman/Flickr.
  • Forests & Land Use
  • Climate
  • coal
  • coronavirus
  • economy
  • energy
  • forest
  • Indonesia
  • low carbon development
  • palm oil
  • renewable energy
Hutan Gambut di Taman Nasional Sebangau, Kalimantan Tengah, yang ludes terbakar pada akhir 2015. Kalau tata kelola buruk dan gambut sampai rusak atau kering, ancaman kebakaran dan banjir pun selalu mengintai. Foto: Sapariah Saturi/ Mongabay Indonesia
  • Climate
  • agriculture
  • peatland
Life at WRI Indonesia

Build Back Better from Within: Why Personal Leadership Matters Now More than Ever

  • adaptation
  • emisi
  • Work From Home
  • Life at WRI Indonesia
From dusk till dawn: leaders and teams should stay close to each other in a dynamic fashion. Photo by Hudson Hintze/Unsplash
  • adaptation
  • emisi
  • Work From Home
  • Life at WRI Indonesia

3 Steps to Scaling Up Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Adaptation

  • Ocean
  • Climate
  • adaptation
  • climate
  • coast ecosystems
Mangroves – which improve climate resilience and protect from coastal flooding – are one example of a nature-based solution with vast economic and climate benefits. Photo by Pat Williams/Flickr
  • Ocean
  • Climate
  • adaptation
  • climate
  • coast ecosystems

The Causes and Effects of Soil Erosion, and How to Prevent It

  • agriculture
  • degraded land
  • food security
  • restorasi hutan
Areas of Indonesia are at high risk of erosion, which can threaten agricultural productivity. Photo by Danumurthi Mahendra/USAID
  • agriculture
  • degraded land
  • food security
  • restorasi hutan

The Resilience of Indonesia's Electricity System

  • energi
  • energi terbarukan
  • energy access
  • energy security
Ilustrasi listrik. Kredit foto: Fre Sonneveld/Unsplash
  • energi
  • energi terbarukan
  • energy access
  • energy security

Climate Change Poses an Existential Risk to Ocean Industries. Here’s How They Can Respond.

  • adaptation
  • climate
  • climate change
  • coral reefs
  • fisheries
  • marine
  • oceans
Reef diver off Chagos Islands in Indian Ocean. Photo by Mark Spalding/Flickr
  • adaptation
  • climate
  • climate change
  • coral reefs
  • fisheries
  • marine
  • oceans

Beyond Swidden Agriculture: Rethinking Approach to Fires

  • agriculture
  • deforestation
  • Fires
  • forest
An officer is trying to extinguish fire in Kalimantan. Photo Credit: CIFOR
  • agriculture
  • deforestation
  • Fires
  • forest

7 Environment and Development Stories to Watch in 2019

  • Forests & Land Use
  • Climate
  • Cities & Transport
  • adaptation
  • climate
  • climate agreement
  • climate change
  • deforestation
  • green economy
  • international climate policy
  • investment
A firefighter battles a fire along the Ronald Reagan Freeway, aka state Highway 118, in Simi Valley, Calif. Photo by Ringo H.W. Chiu/AP
  • Forests & Land Use
  • Climate
  • Cities & Transport
  • adaptation
  • climate
  • climate agreement
  • climate change
  • deforestation
  • green economy
  • international climate policy
  • investment

5 Ways the G20 Can Support Climate Action and Sustainable Development

  • adaptation
  • climate change
  • finance
  • green infrastructure
  • international climate policy
Buenos Aires from the Rio de la Plata. Flickr/Mariano Mantel
  • adaptation
  • climate change
  • finance
  • green infrastructure
  • international climate policy

Curbing Climate Change and Preventing Deaths from Air Pollution Go Hand-in-Hand

  • adaptation
  • air quality
  • climate change
  • Paris Agreement
Curbing short-lived climate pollutants can also reduce air pollution-related deaths. Photo by Nicolò Lazzati/Global Panorama/Flickr
  • adaptation
  • air quality
  • climate change
  • Paris Agreement

8 Things You Need to Know About the IPCC 1.5˚C Report

  • adaptation
  • climate change
  • climate science
  • emissions
  • IPCC
  • local impacts
The world is way off track from its agreed-upon goal of limiting warming to 1.5˚C-2˚C (2.7-3.6˚ F). Photo by Chistopher Michel/Wikimedia Commons
  • adaptation
  • climate change
  • climate science
  • emissions
  • IPCC
  • local impacts

Places to Watch: 3 Forests Experiencing Rapid Clearing Right Now

  • agriculture
  • biodiversity
  • deforestation
  • forest
  • palm oil
  • agriculture
  • biodiversity
  • deforestation
  • forest
  • palm oil

Long, winding road for indigenous rights

  • indigenous people
  • Indonesia
  • land rights
  • indigenous people
  • Indonesia
  • land rights

Choose or Lose: Why Gisele and I Are Shifting to a Sustainable Diet

  • agriculture
  • climate change
  • food
  • food loss
  • food security
  • agriculture
  • climate change
  • food
  • food loss
  • food security