Making Big Ideas Happen



How Emerging Economies Can Pursue Green Recoveries

  • climate
  • coronavirus
  • forest restoration
  • green economy
Photo credit: Ricky Martin/CIFOR
  • climate
  • coronavirus
  • forest restoration
  • green economy
Life at WRI Indonesia

Crafting Inspirational Stories through #CeritaKita

  • Communications
  • Work From Home
  • Life at WRI Indonesia
Interviewing the sources for online #CeritaKita contents.
  • Communications
  • Work From Home
  • Life at WRI Indonesia
Life at WRI Indonesia

Steps to Continue Our Real Actions on the Field During a Pandemic

  • agroforestry
  • forest
  • local impacts
  • peatland
  • Life at WRI Indonesia
Bibit untuk rehabilitasi Hutan Desa Tandun (Sumber foto: Ali Imran)
  • agroforestry
  • forest
  • local impacts
  • peatland
  • Life at WRI Indonesia
Lahan gambut di Kabupaten Pali, Sumatra Selatan. Kredit foto: Josefhine Chitra/WRI Indonesia
  • forest restoration
  • lahan gambut

3 Reasons to Invest in Renewable Energy Now

  • energy
  • oil and gas
  • renewable energy
  • solar
  • wind
Research shows that renewable energy investments yield a high return and create jobs. Photo by Roland Balik/U.S. Air Force
  • energy
  • oil and gas
  • renewable energy
  • solar
  • wind

Peatlands Must Stay Wet

  • forest restoration
  • lahan gambut
  • peat
  • restorasi hutan
Abdul Manan, memperbaiki sekat kanal, kala Presiden Joko Widodo, datang ke Desa Sungai Tohor, Riau, akhir November 2014. Warga berupaya menahan air agar tak lepas dengan membuat sekat-sekat di kanal. Kredit foto: Indra Nugraha/ Mongabay Indonesia
  • forest restoration
  • lahan gambut
  • peat
  • restorasi hutan

Imagine Indonesia with Restored Forests, Mangroves

  • Climate
  • agroforestry
  • landscape
In pursuing even greater ambition in President Jokowi’s second term, Indonesia could be a beacon to the world, at a time when environmental leadership is sorely needed. Photo credit: JP/Hotli Simanjuntak
  • Climate
  • agroforestry
  • landscape

A 5-Step Plan to Protect and Restore Indonesia's Forests

  • agroforestry
  • biodiversity
  • deforestation
  • Global Forest Watch (GFW)
  • sustainable development goals
Forest on the Mamberamo River in Papua. Flickr/CIFOR
  • agroforestry
  • biodiversity
  • deforestation
  • Global Forest Watch (GFW)
  • sustainable development goals
Para peserta Jelajah Konservasi. Foto oleh Umi Purnamasari/WRI Indonesia
  • forest
  • forest restoration

Local Communities Restore Two of Indonesia's Most Threatened National Parks

  • forest
  • forest restoration
  • landscape restoration
Satrio Adi Wicaksono (WRI), Wiratno (Director General for Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation), and Khouni Lomban Rawung (Ambassador for Celebes crested macaque conservation), at the National Conservation Day Celebration. Credit: WRI Indonesia
  • forest
  • forest restoration
  • landscape restoration

Possible Approaches for Reducing Food Loss and Waste

  • kerugian pangan
  • limbah pangan
  • menciptakan masa depan pangan yang berkelanjutan
  • kerugian pangan
  • limbah pangan
  • menciptakan masa depan pangan yang berkelanjutan

If Food Loss and Waste Were its own Country, it Would Be the Third-Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter

  • kerugian pangan
  • limbah pangan
  • menciptakan masa depan pangan yang berkelanjutan
  • kerugian pangan
  • limbah pangan
  • menciptakan masa depan pangan yang berkelanjutan

Restoration Target vs. Degraded Land in National Parks by Region

  • data
  • deforestation
  • degraded land
  • forest restoration
  • data
  • deforestation
  • degraded land
  • forest restoration

Indonesia's Last Forest Frontier: 3 Facts to Know About Papua

  • forest
  • forest restoration
  • peatland
  • sustainable development goals
Forest in Baliem Valley, West Papua. Flickr/Axel Drainville
  • forest
  • forest restoration
  • peatland
  • sustainable development goals

PODCAST: Putting People at the Heart of Restoring Degraded Land

  • degraded land
  • forest restoration
Gatsibo District Forest Officer, agronomists and farmer representatives participate in a social network analysis workshop. Credit: WRI/Kathleen Buckingham
  • degraded land
  • forest restoration

Unlocking Climate Action: When Nations, States and Cities Reinforce Each Other, Everybody Wins

  • climate policy
  • forest restoration
  • landscape restoration
Biking in Copenhagen. Flickr/Mikael Colville Andersen
  • climate policy
  • forest restoration
  • landscape restoration

Aligning Ambitions: The Case for Including Restoration Targets in Climate Goals

  • climate change
  • deforestation
  • forest restoration
  • forests
  • landscape restoration
Tree-planting in the Lake Abaya watershed of Southern Ethiopia (Photo by Aaron Minnick/WRI)
  • climate change
  • deforestation
  • forest restoration
  • forests
  • landscape restoration

Indonesia's Deforestation Dropped 60 Percent in 2017, but There's More to Do

  • deforestasi
  • deforestation
  • forest restoration
  • hutan
  • lahan gambut
  • peatland
Fog over the forest in Kerinci-Seblat National Park. Flickr/Luke Macklin
  • deforestasi
  • deforestation
  • forest restoration
  • hutan
  • lahan gambut
  • peatland

Forests: The Cinderella of Climate Solutions

  • climate change
  • deforestation
  • forest
  • forest restoration
  • Paris Agreement
  • climate change
  • deforestation
  • forest
  • forest restoration
  • Paris Agreement