Making Big Ideas Happen



Extending Indonesia’s Forest Moratorium Is a Win for Business

  • biodiversity
  • business
  • deforestation
  • economy
  • forests
  • Indonesia
A young orangutan in central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Photo by Terry Sunderland/CIFOR
  • biodiversity
  • business
  • deforestation
  • economy
  • forests
  • Indonesia

Reefs at Risk Revisited

Fires Spread Across Indonesia as Parliament Approves Haze Treaty

  • air quality
  • emissions
  • fire
  • forests
  • Indonesia
  • Indonesia forest fires
  • palm oil
  • pollution
  • timber
Forest fires in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Photo credit: Billy Gabriel/Flickr
  • air quality
  • emissions
  • fire
  • forests
  • Indonesia
  • Indonesia forest fires
  • palm oil
  • pollution
  • timber

Infographic: Choose Your Future: 4 Possible Emissions Pathways

  • carbon monitoring
  • IPCC
  • climate change
  • climate science
  • fossil fuels
  • international climate policy
  • carbon monitoring
  • IPCC
  • climate change
  • climate science
  • fossil fuels
  • international climate policy

Forests and REDD+ in COP17 Durban

  • Brazil
  • COP
  • forests
  • governance
  • Indonesia
  • international climate policy
  • REDD
Deforestation in Para, Brazil. The situations in Brazil and Indonesia should lend a sense of urgency and purpose to the climate negotiations in Durban, South Africa. Photo Credit: Leoffreitas/Flickr
  • Brazil
  • COP
  • forests
  • governance
  • Indonesia
  • international climate policy
  • REDD