Making Big Ideas Happen



Better care for locals and the ocean to make Indonesia’s blue economy more viable

  • Ocean
  • food
  • coast ecosystems
  • biodiversity
  • fisheries
  • Ocean
  • food
  • coast ecosystems
  • biodiversity
  • fisheries

The Role of Economic Valuation for Regulating Service of Mangrove Ecosystem

  • coast ecosystems
  • economic valuation
  • ecosystem services
Mangrove memiliki jasa pengaturan, yaitu sebagai benteng pertahanan alami bagi wilayah pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil. Kredit foto: Bayu Setiawan/Unsplash
  • coast ecosystems
  • economic valuation
  • ecosystem services

People are Key to Combating Climate Crisis. The New Version of EMISI App Can Help.

  • Cities & Transport
  • electricity
  • emisi
  • emisi gas rumah kaca
  • fashion
  • food
  • transport
  • waste
Membeli sayuran lokal di pasar terdekat bisa mengurangi emisi individu. Kredit foto: Alex Hudson/Unsplash
  • Cities & Transport
  • electricity
  • emisi
  • emisi gas rumah kaca
  • fashion
  • food
  • transport
  • waste
Life at WRI Indonesia

WRI Indonesia Development Strategy in Papua

  • local impacts
  • Papua
  • Life at WRI Indonesia
Membangun kepercayaan organisasi masyarakat sipil Papua penting untuk menghasilkan dampak yang besar. Foto: Rizky Haryanto/WRI
  • local impacts
  • Papua
  • Life at WRI Indonesia

Now We Can Calculate Our Individual Emissions with EMISI app (Indonesia Zero Emissions Application)

  • access to information
  • cities
  • emisi
  • emisi gas rumah kaca
  • transport
Aksi individu yang terkesan kecil bisa berdampak besar jika dilakukan bersama-sama. Kredit foto: Akil Mazumder/Pexels
  • access to information
  • cities
  • emisi
  • emisi gas rumah kaca
  • transport

Biking Provides a Critical Lifeline During the Coronavirus Crisis

  • coronavirus
  • sustainable cities
  • sustainable urban mobility
  • transport
An emergency bike lane in Bogotá, Colombia, March 2020. Photo by Gabriel Leonardo Guerrero Bermudez/iStock
  • coronavirus
  • sustainable cities
  • sustainable urban mobility
  • transport

3 Steps to Scaling Up Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Adaptation

  • Ocean
  • Climate
  • adaptation
  • climate
  • coast ecosystems
Mangroves – which improve climate resilience and protect from coastal flooding – are one example of a nature-based solution with vast economic and climate benefits. Photo by Pat Williams/Flickr
  • Ocean
  • Climate
  • adaptation
  • climate
  • coast ecosystems
Life at WRI Indonesia

Participatory Mapping, the Key for an Inclusive Development at the Local Level

  • One Map
  • Papua
  • peta
  • Life at WRI Indonesia
Salah satu Warga di Wilayah Waibu. Kredit foto: Hendrika Wulandari/WRI Indonesia
  • One Map
  • Papua
  • peta
  • Life at WRI Indonesia

The View from the Bus: Better Transportation Means Better Lives

  • Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
  • sustainable cities
  • transport
  • transportation
  • Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
  • sustainable cities
  • transport
  • transportation

Green vs. Gray Infrastructure: When Nature Is Better than Concrete

  • Forests & Land Use
  • Climate
  • ecosystem services
  • forest
  • forest restoration
  • green infrastructure
  • Rio+20
  • sustainable development goals
  • water
  • Forests & Land Use
  • Climate
  • ecosystem services
  • forest
  • forest restoration
  • green infrastructure
  • Rio+20
  • sustainable development goals
  • water

How Cities Can Harness the Good—and Avoid the Bad—of the New Mobility Movement

  • cities
  • transport
  • transportation
  • urban development
  • cities
  • transport
  • transportation
  • urban development

Jokowi's bike: Where are the lanes?

  • cities
  • road safety
  • transport
  • cities
  • road safety
  • transport

Bigger Isn’t Always Better: Narrow Traffic Lanes Make Cities Safer

  • cities
  • health and road safety
  • road safety
  • traffic
  • transport
  • transportation
  • cities
  • health and road safety
  • road safety
  • traffic
  • transport
  • transportation