Making Big Ideas Happen



Better care for locals and the ocean to make Indonesia’s blue economy more viable

  • Ocean
  • food
  • coast ecosystems
  • biodiversity
  • fisheries
  • Ocean
  • food
  • coast ecosystems
  • biodiversity
  • fisheries

The Role of Economic Valuation for Regulating Service of Mangrove Ecosystem

  • coast ecosystems
  • economic valuation
  • ecosystem services
Mangrove memiliki jasa pengaturan, yaitu sebagai benteng pertahanan alami bagi wilayah pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil. Kredit foto: Bayu Setiawan/Unsplash
  • coast ecosystems
  • economic valuation
  • ecosystem services
Life at WRI Indonesia

Crafting Inspirational Stories through #CeritaKita

  • Communications
  • Work From Home
  • Life at WRI Indonesia
Interviewing the sources for online #CeritaKita contents.
  • Communications
  • Work From Home
  • Life at WRI Indonesia

3 Steps to Scaling Up Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Adaptation

  • Ocean
  • Climate
  • adaptation
  • climate
  • coast ecosystems
Mangroves – which improve climate resilience and protect from coastal flooding – are one example of a nature-based solution with vast economic and climate benefits. Photo by Pat Williams/Flickr
  • Ocean
  • Climate
  • adaptation
  • climate
  • coast ecosystems

The Causes and Effects of Soil Erosion, and How to Prevent It

  • agriculture
  • degraded land
  • food security
  • restorasi hutan
Areas of Indonesia are at high risk of erosion, which can threaten agricultural productivity. Photo by Danumurthi Mahendra/USAID
  • agriculture
  • degraded land
  • food security
  • restorasi hutan

Local Communities Restore Two of Indonesia's Most Threatened National Parks

  • forest
  • forest restoration
  • landscape restoration
Satrio Adi Wicaksono (WRI), Wiratno (Director General for Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation), and Khouni Lomban Rawung (Ambassador for Celebes crested macaque conservation), at the National Conservation Day Celebration. Credit: WRI Indonesia
  • forest
  • forest restoration
  • landscape restoration

Restoration Target vs. Degraded Land in National Parks by Region

  • data
  • deforestation
  • degraded land
  • forest restoration
  • data
  • deforestation
  • degraded land
  • forest restoration

PODCAST: Putting People at the Heart of Restoring Degraded Land

  • degraded land
  • forest restoration
Gatsibo District Forest Officer, agronomists and farmer representatives participate in a social network analysis workshop. Credit: WRI/Kathleen Buckingham
  • degraded land
  • forest restoration

Unlocking Climate Action: When Nations, States and Cities Reinforce Each Other, Everybody Wins

  • climate policy
  • forest restoration
  • landscape restoration
Biking in Copenhagen. Flickr/Mikael Colville Andersen
  • climate policy
  • forest restoration
  • landscape restoration

Making Food Production and Land Use More Sustainable Could Yield $2.3 Trillion in Economic Benefits

  • deforestation
  • degraded land
  • economic valuation
  • food
  • forest products
  • land rights
  • land tenure
  • landscape restoration
Harvesting oil palm in Indonesia. Photo by Aul Rah/Flickr
  • deforestation
  • degraded land
  • economic valuation
  • food
  • forest products
  • land rights
  • land tenure
  • landscape restoration

Aligning Ambitions: The Case for Including Restoration Targets in Climate Goals

  • climate change
  • deforestation
  • forest restoration
  • forests
  • landscape restoration
Tree-planting in the Lake Abaya watershed of Southern Ethiopia (Photo by Aaron Minnick/WRI)
  • climate change
  • deforestation
  • forest restoration
  • forests
  • landscape restoration
Life at WRI Indonesia

On Being a Researcher: A Struggle to Differentiate Between Assumption and Reality

  • landscape restoration
  • peatland
  • Life at WRI Indonesia
  • landscape restoration
  • peatland
  • Life at WRI Indonesia

Good Data could Save Two Million Hectares of Degraded Conservation Areas

  • Climate
  • data
  • degraded land
  • forests
  • landscape restoration
  • restorasi hutan
  • Climate
  • data
  • degraded land
  • forests
  • landscape restoration
  • restorasi hutan

Conserving Forests Could Cut Carbon Emissions As Much As Getting Rid of Every Car on Earth

  • Forests & Land Use
  • Climate
  • agriculture
  • climate change
  • deforestation
  • emissions
  • forest restoration
  • forests
  • greenhouse gas emissions
  • landscape restoration
  • peat
  • peatland
  • Forests & Land Use
  • Climate
  • agriculture
  • climate change
  • deforestation
  • emissions
  • forest restoration
  • forests
  • greenhouse gas emissions
  • landscape restoration
  • peat
  • peatland

From Tree-Planting Drones to Shade-Grown Tea: Businesses Are Making Money by Reforesting the Planet

  • Climate
  • business
  • climate
  • finance
  • forest restoration
  • forests
  • investment
  • landscape restoration
  • Climate
  • business
  • climate
  • finance
  • forest restoration
  • forests
  • investment
  • landscape restoration

We Know How to Save Millions from Dying on the World’s Roads

  • health
  • health and road safety
  • road safety
  • sustainable cities
  • urban development
  • health
  • health and road safety
  • road safety
  • sustainable cities
  • urban development

Restoration: One of the Most Overlooked Opportunities for Economic Growth

  • agriculture
  • deforestation
  • degraded land
  • economics
  • finance
  • forest restoration
  • forests
  • landscape restoration
  • agriculture
  • deforestation
  • degraded land
  • economics
  • finance
  • forest restoration
  • forests
  • landscape restoration