Making Big Ideas Happen



Our Forest Management After COP26

  • Climate
  • deforestation
  • emissions
Logging activities, wood being loaded to trucks. Credit: Zuraidah Said/WRI Indonesia
  • Climate
  • deforestation
  • emissions

3 Ways to Ensure Corporate Net-zero Targets Are Credible

  • climate
  • corporate sustainability
  • emissions
  • climate
  • corporate sustainability
  • emissions

People are Key to Combating Climate Crisis. The New Version of EMISI App Can Help.

  • Cities & Transport
  • electricity
  • emisi
  • emisi gas rumah kaca
  • fashion
  • food
  • transport
  • waste
Membeli sayuran lokal di pasar terdekat bisa mengurangi emisi individu. Kredit foto: Alex Hudson/Unsplash
  • Cities & Transport
  • electricity
  • emisi
  • emisi gas rumah kaca
  • fashion
  • food
  • transport
  • waste

This Interactive Chart Shows Changes in the World's Top 10 Emitters

  • climate change
  • climate data
  • climatewatchindonesia
  • emissions
  • greenhouse gasses (GHG)
  • Paris Agreement
The world's top emitters have changed since world leaders met in Paris, France to adopt the Paris Agreement. Photo by Anthony Delanoix/Unsplash
  • climate change
  • climate data
  • climatewatchindonesia
  • emissions
  • greenhouse gasses (GHG)
  • Paris Agreement

Climate Action Must Progress Far Faster to Achieve 1.5 C Goal

  • Climate
  • agriculture
  • climate change
  • climate science
  • deforestation
  • electricity
  • forest
  • industry
  • Paris Agreement
  • renewable energy
  • Climate
  • agriculture
  • climate change
  • climate science
  • deforestation
  • electricity
  • forest
  • industry
  • Paris Agreement
  • renewable energy

Research points to a new way to save peatland that benefits communities while preventing forest fires

  • Desa
  • emisi gas rumah kaca
  • iklim
  • kebakaran hutan Indonesia
  • perubahan iklim
Menerapkani kawasan ekonomi gambut berbasis ekologi atau SPEZ cegah karhutla dan menjamin ekonomi masyarakat.
  • Desa
  • emisi gas rumah kaca
  • iklim
  • kebakaran hutan Indonesia
  • perubahan iklim

6 Graphics Explain the Climate Feedback Loop Fueling US Fires

  • Climate
  • climate
  • emissions
  • Fires
  • forest
  • local impacts
  • United States
Bobcat Fire, as seen from Monrovia, California. Photo by Eddiem360/Wikimedia Commons
  • Climate
  • climate
  • emissions
  • Fires
  • forest
  • local impacts
  • United States

How to Build a Circular Economy

  • Cities & Transport
  • business
  • emissions
  • food waste
  • green economy
  • greenhouse gasses (GHG)
  • natural resources
  • sustainability initiative
  • sustainable business
A circular economy can help mitigate the climate crisis, and makes social and financial sense. Photo by Aaron Minnick | WRI.
  • Cities & Transport
  • business
  • emissions
  • food waste
  • green economy
  • greenhouse gasses (GHG)
  • natural resources
  • sustainability initiative
  • sustainable business

Now We Can Calculate Our Individual Emissions with EMISI app (Indonesia Zero Emissions Application)

  • access to information
  • cities
  • emisi
  • emisi gas rumah kaca
  • transport
Aksi individu yang terkesan kecil bisa berdampak besar jika dilakukan bersama-sama. Kredit foto: Akil Mazumder/Pexels
  • access to information
  • cities
  • emisi
  • emisi gas rumah kaca
  • transport
Life at WRI Indonesia

Love in the Time of Corona: Building Our Nature Better through Actions

  • Climate
  • Cities & Transport
  • emissions
  • Life at WRI Indonesia
For us, LOVE stands for ‘Living Our Values Everyday’. Photo credit: Anthony Intraversato/Unsplash
  • Climate
  • Cities & Transport
  • emissions
  • Life at WRI Indonesia
Hutan Gambut di Taman Nasional Sebangau, Kalimantan Tengah, yang ludes terbakar pada akhir 2015. Kalau tata kelola buruk dan gambut sampai rusak atau kering, ancaman kebakaran dan banjir pun selalu mengintai. Foto: Sapariah Saturi/ Mongabay Indonesia
  • Climate
  • agriculture
  • peatland

Build Back Better: Fighting the Pandemic and Individual Emissions Together

  • Cities & Transport
  • Build Back Better
  • coronavirus
  • emissions
By avoiding travel and staying at home, we fight the coronavirus pandemic and reducing individual emissions at the same time. Photo by Brian Wangenheim/Unsplash
  • Cities & Transport
  • Build Back Better
  • coronavirus
  • emissions

The Causes and Effects of Soil Erosion, and How to Prevent It

  • agriculture
  • degraded land
  • food security
  • restorasi hutan
Areas of Indonesia are at high risk of erosion, which can threaten agricultural productivity. Photo by Danumurthi Mahendra/USAID
  • agriculture
  • degraded land
  • food security
  • restorasi hutan

'Picking Up Sinking Wood': Indigenous Villages and Reality

  • forest
  • indigenous people
The laws and regulations on recognition of indigenous communities and their right to land is deemed to fail without the buy-in from the communities themselves. Photo credit: Mario Munthe for WRI Indonesia
  • forest
  • indigenous people

Beyond Swidden Agriculture: Rethinking Approach to Fires

  • agriculture
  • deforestation
  • Fires
  • forest
An officer is trying to extinguish fire in Kalimantan. Photo Credit: CIFOR
  • agriculture
  • deforestation
  • Fires
  • forest

3 Things to Know for Designing Indonesia's Next Steps on Climate Change

  • climate
  • climatewatchindonesia
  • data
  • emissions
Farming rice near Yogyakarta. Photo by Gunawan Kartapranata/Wikimedia
  • climate
  • climatewatchindonesia
  • data
  • emissions