Making Big Ideas Happen



Mangrove memberikan banyak manfaat bagi lingkungan, sehingga pengelolaannya menuntut peran berbagai pihak. Foto: Waranont/Unsplash
  • forest
  • landscape

The Causes and Effects of Soil Erosion, and How to Prevent It

  • agriculture
  • degraded land
  • food security
  • restorasi hutan
Areas of Indonesia are at high risk of erosion, which can threaten agricultural productivity. Photo by Danumurthi Mahendra/USAID
  • agriculture
  • degraded land
  • food security
  • restorasi hutan

'Picking Up Sinking Wood': Indigenous Villages and Reality

  • forest
  • indigenous people
The laws and regulations on recognition of indigenous communities and their right to land is deemed to fail without the buy-in from the communities themselves. Photo credit: Mario Munthe for WRI Indonesia
  • forest
  • indigenous people

Imagine Indonesia with Restored Forests, Mangroves

  • Climate
  • agroforestry
  • landscape
In pursuing even greater ambition in President Jokowi’s second term, Indonesia could be a beacon to the world, at a time when environmental leadership is sorely needed. Photo credit: JP/Hotli Simanjuntak
  • Climate
  • agroforestry
  • landscape

Why Private Forests Should Not Be Neglected

  • forest
  • indigenous people
Into the wild: Subayang River, which parts the Bukit Rimbang Bukit Baling Wildlife Sanctuary, has seen numerous conflicts of interests between forest administrators and local stakeholders. (The Jakarta Post/Tarko Sudiarno)
  • forest
  • indigenous people

The Vision of Social Forestry in South Sumatera

  • indigenous people
Presiden Joko Widodo menyerahkan sertifikat hak atas tanah kepada masyarakat di berbagai provinsi. Kredit foto: Sekretaris Kabinet RI
  • indigenous people

Quo Vadis Social Forestry

  • forest
  • indigenous people
Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Siti Nurbaya memberikan sambutan dalam penyerahan SK Perhutanan Sosial di Taman Wisata Alam Punti Kayu, Palembang. Kredit foto: WRI Indonesia
  • forest
  • indigenous people

Restoration Target vs. Degraded Land in National Parks by Region

  • data
  • deforestation
  • degraded land
  • forest restoration
  • data
  • deforestation
  • degraded land
  • forest restoration

PODCAST: Putting People at the Heart of Restoring Degraded Land

  • degraded land
  • forest restoration
Gatsibo District Forest Officer, agronomists and farmer representatives participate in a social network analysis workshop. Credit: WRI/Kathleen Buckingham
  • degraded land
  • forest restoration


Long, winding road for indigenous rights

  • indigenous people
  • Indonesia
  • land rights
  • indigenous people
  • Indonesia
  • land rights

No Better Time for Indonesia's Indigenous Communities to Reclaim Land Rights

  • deforestation
  • forest restoration
  • forests
  • indigenous people
  • One Map
  • deforestation
  • forest restoration
  • forests
  • indigenous people
  • One Map

Good Data could Save Two Million Hectares of Degraded Conservation Areas

  • Climate
  • data
  • degraded land
  • forests
  • landscape restoration
  • restorasi hutan
  • Climate
  • data
  • degraded land
  • forests
  • landscape restoration
  • restorasi hutan

The Rule of Law for Peatland and Environmental Protection

  • Climate
  • climate change
  • forests
  • peat
  • peatland
  • Climate
  • climate change
  • forests
  • peat
  • peatland
Life at WRI Indonesia

Women and 3D Mock-Up

  • Climate
  • forests
  • gender
  • Mapping
  • Life at WRI Indonesia
  • Climate
  • forests
  • gender
  • Mapping
  • Life at WRI Indonesia

From Tree-Planting Drones to Shade-Grown Tea: Businesses Are Making Money by Reforesting the Planet

  • Climate
  • business
  • climate
  • finance
  • forest restoration
  • forests
  • investment
  • landscape restoration
  • Climate
  • business
  • climate
  • finance
  • forest restoration
  • forests
  • investment
  • landscape restoration
Life at WRI Indonesia

End of Year and Rainy Season: The Best Time to Play Monopoly

  • deforestation
  • forests
  • Indonesia
  • timber
  • Life at WRI Indonesia
  • deforestation
  • forests
  • Indonesia
  • timber
  • Life at WRI Indonesia