Making Big Ideas Happen

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Siaran Pers
Aksi bersih-bersih Bali Clean-up
  • plastic pollution
A woman work to collect plastic waste.
  • plastic pollution
Flood in Surakarta, Central Java. Photo credit: Prabu Panji/Unsplash
  • adaptasi
  • perubahan iklim
  • IPCC
  • kerentanan
Setiap tahun, lebih dari 620 ribu ton sampah plastik terbuang ke laut. Kredit foto: Sergei Tokmakov/Pixabay
  • samudera
  • plastic pollution
NbS mampu menghadirkan multimanfaat dan bersifat lebih adaptif daripada infrastruktur fisik. Foto: CHUTTERSNAP/Unsplash
  • adaptasi
  • perubahan iklim
  • flood
  • infrastruktur alami
ASEAN members could play a crucial role in reducing global marine plastic debris. Image: Noveradika/ANTARA FOTO
  • samudera
  • plastic pollution
Seorang perempuan berjalan di depan mural pelarangan plastik. Kredit foto: NPAP
  • tata kelola
  • plastic pollution

3 Aksi Kunci bagi Indonesia untuk Membantu Memajukan Ekonomi Laut Berkelanjutan

  • Iklim
  • ekonomi
  • perikanan
  • kesehatan
  • marine
  • samudera
Indonesia the largest archipelagic country in the world, it is also host to the richest marine biodiversity in the world.Photo credit: Setyaki Irham/ Unplash
  • Iklim
  • ekonomi
  • perikanan
  • kesehatan
  • marine
  • samudera

4 Ragam Investasi untuk Menjaga Kesehatan dan Kekayaan Laut

  • coronavirus
  • ekonomi
  • perikanan
  • pangan
  • samudera
Sustainable, ocean-based investments can yield a number of benefits for economies, communities, businesses and households. Photo by Knut Troim/Unsplash
  • coronavirus
  • ekonomi
  • perikanan
  • pangan
  • samudera

4 Cara Membangun Laut Indonesia yang Lebih Tangguh Pascapandemi

  • Build Back Better
  • perikanan
  • samudera
Perkampungan nelayan di Pantai Utara Jakarta. Kredit foto: Sakinah Ummu Haniy/WRI Indonesia
  • Build Back Better
  • perikanan
  • samudera
Kehidupan di WRI Indonesia
From dusk till dawn: leaders and teams should stay close to each other in a dynamic fashion. Photo by Hudson Hintze/Unsplash
  • adaptasi
  • emisi
  • Work From Home
  • Kehidupan di WRI Indonesia

3 Langkah Meningkatkan Solusi Berbasis Alam untuk Adaptasi Iklim

  • Laut
  • Iklim
  • adaptasi
  • iklim
  • ekosistem pantai
Mangroves – which improve climate resilience and protect from coastal flooding – are one example of a nature-based solution with vast economic and climate benefits. Photo by Pat Williams/Flickr
  • Laut
  • Iklim
  • adaptasi
  • iklim
  • ekosistem pantai

8 Cara Membangun Ekonomi Kelautan yang Lebih Kuat Setelah COVID-19

  • coronavirus
  • perekonomian
  • perikanan
  • pangan
  • marine
  • samudera
Building a more resilient blue economy after COVID-19 will be crucial to millions of people, including mariners. Photo by Nick Kocharhook/Flickr
  • coronavirus
  • perekonomian
  • perikanan
  • pangan
  • marine
  • samudera