Booklet Series: Systems Thinking for Sustainable Food System

Food and environmental sustainability are two sides of the same coin. The way we produce and consume food will impact the environment, and vice versa. Preserving the environment is one of the solutions to address various food issues around us. Ignoring environmental conservation when seeking solutions to food problems is a reckless approach and will lead to new, more difficult issues in the future.
Koalisi Sistem Pangan Lestari (KSPL) has compiled this booklet to encourage readers not only to apply systemic thinking in understanding food issues but also in finding solutions. There are five volumes covering topics in this booklet, such as: (1) Understanding Food Systems and the Systemic Thinking Framework; (2) Healthy Diet; (3) Agroecology; (4) Reducing Food Loss and Waste; and (5) Environmental Sustainability within the Food System Framework.
Let's get to know and learn about applying systemic thinking in building a sustainable food system through this booklet!