
Clean Air Catalyst offers a globally applicable approach to developing locally tailored, self-reliant solutions that reduce air pollutants, improve public health, reduce poverty and inequality, and lessen climate change impacts. Our partnership brings together diverse local stakeholders to address key information gaps, to build confidence and trust in air pollution information, and to advance and institutionalize lasting solutions.

Di mana

Jakarta (Indonesia), Indore (India), and Nairobi (Kenya)


As the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta has experienced rapid development in the past decade. The size of its economy doubled over the last ten years and accounts for 16% of Indonesia’s economy in 2020. This rapid growth has had an impact on air quality in the city due to increased activity in the transportation and industrial sectors, as documented by air quality monitoring equipment installed by government agencies in the Jakarta area.


Polusi udara merupakan masalah yang kompleks, mempengaruhi jutaan orang, dan melintasi batas-batas administratif, sehingga masalah ini hanya dapat diatasi melalui kerja sama antarpemangku kepentingan global, nasional, dan lokal. Untuk itu, Clean Air Catalyst (CAC) yang akan berjalan selama lima tahun ke depan akan membangun pemahaman bersama mengenai sumber polusi udara serta strategi untuk mengatasinya. Adapun tujuan utama dalam program ini adalah:

  1. Increase demand for action to reduce pollution from locally relevant sources through Source Awareness
  2. Sabotaging harms by improving strategic plan for clean air action
  3. Propose Minimal Winning Coalition by enacting new policy, regulation, and/or financial incentives that discourage emitting activities and/or enable reduced exposures
  4. Advancing Crosscutting Results in climate, gender, and health development


Program ini akan diimplementasikan oleh sebuah konsorsium global yang dipimpin oleh World Resources Institute dan Environmental Defense Fund. Anggota konsorsium meliputi Open AQ, MAP-AQ, Columbia University, CCAC, Internews, and Vital Strategies. WRI Indonesia akan memimpin implementasi program pilot project CAC di Jakarta.

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