95 Resources for
Seekor orang utan di hutan tropis Kalimantan Tengah. Kredit foto: Jorge Franganillo/Unsplash
  • deforestasi
  • pantaujejak
Ilustrasi pepohonan pada hutan yang telah ditebang. Kredit foto: Dave Herring/Unsplash
  • deforestasi
  • pantaujejak
Sebagian hutan mengalami penebangan. Kredit foto: WRI Indonesia
  • deforestasi
  • pantaujejak

Primary Rainforest Destruction Increased 12% from 2019 to 2020

  • deforestasi
  • Global Forest Watch (GFW)
Penebangan ilegal di lahan adat amazon Pirititi. Kredit foto: Felipe Werneck/Ibama
  • deforestasi
  • Global Forest Watch (GFW)
Kayu gelondongan besar diletakkan di atas truk di konsesi hutan di Ghana. Foto oleh Maite Knorr-Evans/WRI
  • Global Forest Watch (GFW)
Many farmers in Indonesia use slash-and-burn methods to clear land for agriculture. Photo by Wakx/Flickr
  • Climate
  • deforestation
  • peatland

3 Main Causes of Floods in Indonesia and How to Prevent Them

  • Climate
  • Cities & Transport
  • deforestation
  • water
  • water risk
Sekitar 640.000 orang di Indonesia terdampak bencana banjir setiap tahunnya. Kredit foto: Pinot Dita/Flickr
  • Climate
  • Cities & Transport
  • deforestation
  • water
  • water risk

A New Tool Can Help Root Out Deforestation from Complex Supply Chains

  • adaptation and the private sector
  • Global Forest Watch (GFW)
Unloading oil palm fruits. Photo by African Hope/Wikimedia Commons
  • adaptation and the private sector
  • Global Forest Watch (GFW)

Technical Blog: Global Forest Watch's 2018 Data Update Explained

  • deforestation
  • Global Forest Watch (GFW)
Forest canopy at Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve. Photo credit: Aaron Minnick/WRI
  • deforestation
  • Global Forest Watch (GFW)

The World Lost a Belgium-sized Area of Primary Rainforests Last Year

  • deforestation
  • Global Forest Watch (GFW)
  • Mapping
Primary rainforests are critically important for storing carbon and providing habitat for jaguars, orangutans, gorillas and other animals. Photo by stokpic/Pixabay
  • deforestation
  • Global Forest Watch (GFW)
  • Mapping

Indonesia Primary Forest Loss by Island

  • deforestation
  • deforestation
  • deforestation
  • forest

2017 Indonesia Forest Loss by Forest Type

  • deforestation
  • deforestation

Tropical Tree Cover Loss

  • deforestation
  • deforestation

Indonesia Primary Forest Loss

  • deforestation
  • deforestation