Koalisi Sistem Pangan Lestari


8 Resources for

Preparing Against Hidden Hunger by Optimizing Local Food

  • food
  • food waste
  • food security
Kelaparan tersembunyi adalah kondisi yang disebabkan kekurangan gizi karena kurangnya asupan vitamin dan mineral, yang bersumber dari sayur dan buah. Kredit foto: Megan Thomas/Unsplash
  • food
  • food waste
  • food security
Papeda, the staple food of people in eastern Indonesia. Credit: Raras Cahyafitri/WRI Indonesia
  • food

3 Reasons Why Food Estate Does Not Answer Food Security and Nutrition Agenda

  • creating a sustainable food future
  • food
  • food security
Intervensi bagi permasalahan pangan sebaiknya tidak dilakukan dengan cara-cara yang memiliki risiko lingkungan, ekonomi, dan kesehatan. Foto oleh Kemal Jufri untuk WRI Indonesia
  • creating a sustainable food future
  • food
  • food security
The impact of COVID-19 greatly affects food and nutrition security. As we build back better, we must also “grow back better” to improve food and land use systems. Photo credit to Masahiro Ihara/Flickr
  • food
  • food loss
Get creative with fruits and vegetables that are past their prime. Photo by Max Delsid/Unsplash
  • food
  • food loss