Intensification Of Smallholder Oil Palm Plantations: Where Do We Start?
An Analysis of Smallholder Oil Palm Plantations that Possess Potential to be Prioritized for the Intensification Program.

The function of this working paper is to identify the location of smallholder oil palm plantations possessing the potential to be prioritized for the intensification program through a holistic approach and methodology. Currently, research on the selection of priority locations for oil palm plantations is still very limited. Therefore, this study departs from the study of Afriyanti et al. (2015) who conducted site selection based on biophysical and conservation aspects. By adding the aspect of economic potential, site selection in this study considers the biophysical aspects of the land, the existence of conservation areas, market access (palm oil mills), plantation areas, CPO productivity, and is supported by the best data from various publicly accessible sources, including Global Forest Watch, Transparent World, and the Directorate General of Plantations, Ministry of Agriculture.