

72 Resources for

Industrial Decarbonization: The Catalyst Towards Net Zero Indonesia

  • WRI Indonesia 10 Year Anniversary
  • climate
  • energy
  • carbon
  • industry
Solar panel
  • WRI Indonesia 10 Year Anniversary
  • climate
  • energy
  • carbon
  • industry
Cover Image by: MEAphotogallery
  • Climate
  • climate
  • forest

Mapping, Management, and Mitigation: How Peatlands Can Advance Climate Action in Southeast Asia

  • climate
  • Indonesian Peat Prize
  • Mapping
  • peat
  • peatland
Despite playing a major role in climate action, peatlands have been deforested and drained for agricultural lands. Photo credit: Nanang Sujana/CIFOR
  • climate
  • Indonesian Peat Prize
  • Mapping
  • peat
  • peatland

3 Ways to Ensure Corporate Net-zero Targets Are Credible

  • climate
  • corporate sustainability
  • emissions
  • climate
  • corporate sustainability
  • emissions

How Emerging Economies Can Pursue Green Recoveries

  • climate
  • coronavirus
  • forest restoration
  • green economy
Photo credit: Ricky Martin/CIFOR
  • climate
  • coronavirus
  • forest restoration
  • green economy

6 Graphics Explain the Climate Feedback Loop Fueling US Fires

  • Climate
  • climate
  • emissions
  • Fires
  • forest
  • local impacts
  • United States
Bobcat Fire, as seen from Monrovia, California. Photo by Eddiem360/Wikimedia Commons
  • Climate
  • climate
  • emissions
  • Fires
  • forest
  • local impacts
  • United States

Crowdfunding for Trees: Manifesting Our Concern for a Better Life

  • Build Back Better
  • climate
  • re-greening
Crowdfunding has become key as it organizes small contributions collectively, making a huge impact.
  • Build Back Better
  • climate
  • re-greening

Thinking Long Term for Growth Means Protecting Forests

  • Climate
  • climate
  • climate change
  • climate data
  • climate policy
  • forest
Indonesia’s forests are critical  to the food security, agricultural production,  health, safety, and livelihoods of its citizens. Photo credit: Ahmad Yusuf for WRI Indonesia
  • Climate
  • climate
  • climate change
  • climate data
  • climate policy
  • forest

3 Steps to Scaling Up Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Adaptation

  • Ocean
  • Climate
  • adaptation
  • climate
  • coast ecosystems
Mangroves – which improve climate resilience and protect from coastal flooding – are one example of a nature-based solution with vast economic and climate benefits. Photo by Pat Williams/Flickr
  • Ocean
  • Climate
  • adaptation
  • climate
  • coast ecosystems

Climate Change Poses an Existential Risk to Ocean Industries. Here’s How They Can Respond.

  • adaptation
  • climate
  • climate change
  • coral reefs
  • fisheries
  • marine
  • oceans
Reef diver off Chagos Islands in Indian Ocean. Photo by Mark Spalding/Flickr
  • adaptation
  • climate
  • climate change
  • coral reefs
  • fisheries
  • marine
  • oceans

3 Things to Know for Designing Indonesia's Next Steps on Climate Change

  • climate
  • climatewatchindonesia
  • data
  • emissions
Farming rice near Yogyakarta. Photo by Gunawan Kartapranata/Wikimedia
  • climate
  • climatewatchindonesia
  • data
  • emissions
Loops can be fun. And they might save the planet! Flickr/Camille Gevaudan
  • climate
  • corporate sustainability
  • energy efficiency

3 Things the Government Should Do to Involve Private Sector in Climate Action

  • adaptation and the private sector
  • climate
  • climate business
  • climate change
Deputy of Maritime Affairs and Natural Resources Arifin Rudiyanto opens the International Workshop of Partnership to Strengthen Transparency for Co-Innovation (PaSTI). Photo credit: Dwi Feriyanto for WRI Indonesia
  • adaptation and the private sector
  • climate
  • climate business
  • climate change

7 Environment and Development Stories to Watch in 2019

  • Forests & Land Use
  • Climate
  • Cities & Transport
  • adaptation
  • climate
  • climate agreement
  • climate change
  • deforestation
  • green economy
  • international climate policy
  • investment
A firefighter battles a fire along the Ronald Reagan Freeway, aka state Highway 118, in Simi Valley, Calif. Photo by Ringo H.W. Chiu/AP
  • Forests & Land Use
  • Climate
  • Cities & Transport
  • adaptation
  • climate
  • climate agreement
  • climate change
  • deforestation
  • green economy
  • international climate policy
  • investment

Jokowi Must Attend COP24

  • climate
  • COP
  • international climate policy
President Jokowi must attend COP24 to reiterate the importance of collaboration in facing climate change as a ‘collective enemy’. Photo credit: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
  • climate
  • COP
  • international climate policy