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7 Resources for

PODCAST: Certifying Sustainable Palm Oil with Andika Putraditama

  • commoditites
  • deforestation
  • palm oil
Loading oil palm fruit in Sabah, Malaysia. Photo by Greg Girard/CIFOR/Flickr
  • commoditites
  • deforestation
  • palm oil

When a Tree Falls, Is It Deforestation?

  • commoditites
  • deforestation
  • forest
  • Global Forest Watch (GFW)
Deforestation in Sarawak, Malaysia driven by palm oil. Flickr/Wakx
  • commoditites
  • deforestation
  • forest
  • Global Forest Watch (GFW)

Intensification by Smallholder Farmers Is Key To Achieving Indonesia’s Palm Oil Targets

  • Forests & Land Use
  • commoditites
  • Indonesia
  • palm oil
  • sustainable agriculture
  • Forests & Land Use
  • commoditites
  • Indonesia
  • palm oil
  • sustainable agriculture

Smallholder Farmers Are Key to Making the Palm Oil Industry Sustainable

  • agriculture
  • commoditites
  • corporate sustainability
  • deforestasi
  • forest
  • palm oil
  • agriculture
  • commoditites
  • corporate sustainability
  • deforestasi
  • forest
  • palm oil

Achieving Palm Oil Traceability in Indonesia’s Complex Supply Chain

  • Forests & Land Use
  • agroforestry
  • commoditites
  • One Map
  • palm oil
  • sustainable agriculture
  • Forests & Land Use
  • agroforestry
  • commoditites
  • One Map
  • palm oil
  • sustainable agriculture