

8 Resources for

3 Key Actions for Indonesia to Help Advance A Global Sustainable Ocean Economy

  • Climate
  • economy
  • fisheries
  • health
  • marine
  • oceans
Indonesia the largest archipelagic country in the world, it is also host to the richest marine biodiversity in the world.Photo credit: Setyaki Irham/ Unplash
  • Climate
  • economy
  • fisheries
  • health
  • marine
  • oceans

5 Pillars for a Green and Resilient Recovery from COVID-19

  • coronavirus
  • economy
Woman in face mask on subway. Photo by Ketut Subiyanto/Pexels
  • coronavirus
  • economy

A Low-Carbon Recovery Can Create Jobs and Boost Indonesia’s Economy

  • Forests & Land Use
  • Climate
  • coal
  • coronavirus
  • economy
  • energy
  • forest
  • Indonesia
  • low carbon development
  • palm oil
  • renewable energy
A green stimulus can help Indonesia build back better from COVID-19. Photo by Henry Sudarman/Flickr.
  • Forests & Land Use
  • Climate
  • coal
  • coronavirus
  • economy
  • energy
  • forest
  • Indonesia
  • low carbon development
  • palm oil
  • renewable energy

4 Investments to Secure Ocean Health and Wealth

  • coronavirus
  • economy
  • fisheries
  • food
  • oceans
Sustainable, ocean-based investments can yield a number of benefits for economies, communities, businesses and households. Photo by Knut Troim/Unsplash
  • coronavirus
  • economy
  • fisheries
  • food
  • oceans

Barriers to a Circular Economy: 5 Reasons the World Wastes So Much Stuff (and Why It's Not Just the Consumer's Fault)

  • business
  • corporate sustainability
  • economy
  • food waste
  • sustainable business
  • business
  • corporate sustainability
  • economy
  • food waste
  • sustainable business

Moving Beyond “Take, Make, Waste”: Developing Cities Show the Possibilities of the Circular Economy

  • Cities & Transport
  • economy
  • sustainable cities
  • urban development
  • Cities & Transport
  • economy
  • sustainable cities
  • urban development
Life at WRI Indonesia

72 Hours at Air Sugihan Sub-district: Banyu Biru, Srijaya Baru, and Jadi Mulya

  • economy
  • palm oil
  • peatland
  • Life at WRI Indonesia
  • economy
  • palm oil
  • peatland
  • Life at WRI Indonesia

Extending Indonesia’s Forest Moratorium Is a Win for Business

  • biodiversity
  • business
  • deforestation
  • economy
  • forests
  • Indonesia
A young orangutan in central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Photo by Terry Sunderland/CIFOR
  • biodiversity
  • business
  • deforestation
  • economy
  • forests
  • Indonesia