


10 Resources for

People are Key to Combating Climate Crisis. The New Version of EMISI App Can Help.

  • Cities & Transport
  • electricity
  • emisi
  • emisi gas rumah kaca
  • fashion
  • food
  • transport
  • waste
Membeli sayuran lokal di pasar terdekat bisa mengurangi emisi individu. Kredit foto: Alex Hudson/Unsplash
  • Cities & Transport
  • electricity
  • emisi
  • emisi gas rumah kaca
  • fashion
  • food
  • transport
  • waste
Life at WRI Indonesia
WRI Indonesia family at Kirananda's wedding. Photo credit: private collection
  • emisi
  • Life at WRI Indonesia

Now We Can Calculate Our Individual Emissions with EMISI app (Indonesia Zero Emissions Application)

  • access to information
  • cities
  • emisi
  • emisi gas rumah kaca
  • transport
Aksi individu yang terkesan kecil bisa berdampak besar jika dilakukan bersama-sama. Kredit foto: Akil Mazumder/Pexels
  • access to information
  • cities
  • emisi
  • emisi gas rumah kaca
  • transport
Life at WRI Indonesia

Build Back Better from Within: Why Personal Leadership Matters Now More than Ever

  • adaptation
  • emisi
  • Work From Home
  • Life at WRI Indonesia
From dusk till dawn: leaders and teams should stay close to each other in a dynamic fashion. Photo by Hudson Hintze/Unsplash
  • adaptation
  • emisi
  • Work From Home
  • Life at WRI Indonesia

12 Years to Exceed 1.5 Degree

  • climatewatchindonesia
  • climate
  • emisi
Strategi dan program pembangunan nasional dan daerah harus dirancang untuk mengurangi emisi secara efektif sambil meraih pertumbuhan ekonomi yang optimum. Foto oleh Gede Suhendra/Unsplash
  • climatewatchindonesia
  • climate
  • emisi

CAIT - Country Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data

  • gas rumah kaca (GRK)
  • emisi
  • emisi gas rumah kaca
  • gas rumah kaca (GRK)
  • emisi
  • emisi gas rumah kaca