

26 Resources for

Industrial Decarbonization: The Catalyst Towards Net Zero Indonesia

  • WRI Indonesia 10 Year Anniversary
  • climate
  • energy
  • carbon
  • industry
Solar panel
  • WRI Indonesia 10 Year Anniversary
  • climate
  • energy
  • carbon
  • industry

Power Wheeling Schemes for Renewable Energy Transition

  • energi terbarukan
  • energy
Model bisnis skema power wheeling untuk transisi energi. Kredit foto: Karsten Würth/Unsplash
  • energi terbarukan
  • energy

A Low-Carbon Recovery Can Create Jobs and Boost Indonesia’s Economy

  • Forests & Land Use
  • Climate
  • coal
  • coronavirus
  • economy
  • energy
  • forest
  • Indonesia
  • low carbon development
  • palm oil
  • renewable energy
A green stimulus can help Indonesia build back better from COVID-19. Photo by Henry Sudarman/Flickr.
  • Forests & Land Use
  • Climate
  • coal
  • coronavirus
  • economy
  • energy
  • forest
  • Indonesia
  • low carbon development
  • palm oil
  • renewable energy

3 Reasons to Invest in Renewable Energy Now

  • energy
  • oil and gas
  • renewable energy
  • solar
  • wind
Research shows that renewable energy investments yield a high return and create jobs. Photo by Roland Balik/U.S. Air Force
  • energy
  • oil and gas
  • renewable energy
  • solar
  • wind

More Than Just Bioenergy

  • energy
  • renewable energy
Siapa pun yang akan memimpin Indonesia selama lima tahun ke depan, semoga bisa menyadari bahwa Indonesia butuh lebih dari sekadar bioenergi. Kredit ilustrasi: Koran Tempo
  • energy
  • renewable energy

A Pile of Obstacles on Biogas Distribution

  • energy
  • renewable energy
Implementasi biogas di Indonesia masih menghadapi beragam kendala yang kompleks. Kredit ilustrasi: Munzir Fadly
  • energy
  • renewable energy

Despite Some Major Bumps, Bonn Climate Summit Got the Job Done

  • Climate
  • climate
  • COP
  • energy
  • Climate
  • climate
  • COP
  • energy

Climate Conference in Germany and Measuring Indonesia’s Ambition in Emission Cut

  • Climate
  • climate
  • climate change
  • climate policy
  • emissions
  • energy
  • forests
  • greenhouse gas emissions
  • greenhouse gasses (GHG)
  • Indonesia
  • international climate policy
  • Climate
  • climate
  • climate change
  • climate policy
  • emissions
  • energy
  • forests
  • greenhouse gas emissions
  • greenhouse gasses (GHG)
  • Indonesia
  • international climate policy

Can electric vehicles be green heroes?

  • Cities & Transport
  • cities
  • energy
  • Indonesia
  • renewable energy
  • sustainable cities
  • transportation
  • Cities & Transport
  • cities
  • energy
  • Indonesia
  • renewable energy
  • sustainable cities
  • transportation
Life at WRI Indonesia

WRI Global Office Internship: The Call from Home

  • Forests & Land Use
  • Climate
  • Cities & Transport
  • cities
  • climate change
  • energy
  • forest
  • forests
  • water
  • Life at WRI Indonesia
  • Forests & Land Use
  • Climate
  • Cities & Transport
  • cities
  • climate change
  • energy
  • forest
  • forests
  • water
  • Life at WRI Indonesia
Life at WRI Indonesia

WRI Launches Wahana Riset Young Researchers Program

  • Forests & Land Use
  • Climate
  • Cities & Transport
  • climate
  • energy
  • forests
  • Indonesia
  • sustainable cities
  • Life at WRI Indonesia
  • Forests & Land Use
  • Climate
  • Cities & Transport
  • climate
  • energy
  • forests
  • Indonesia
  • sustainable cities
  • Life at WRI Indonesia

Towards a More Equal City


Indonesia and the acute energy crisis

  • energy
  • energy security
  • energy
  • energy security

Jump-starting Clean Energy Access for the World

  • climate
  • climate finance
  • energy
  • finance
  • international climate policy
  • regulation
  • renewable energy
Solar home systems in Bangladesh. Photo by ILO/Flickr.
  • climate
  • climate finance
  • energy
  • finance
  • international climate policy
  • regulation
  • renewable energy

Power Politics