


5 Resources for

Tracking Timber, Fighting Illegal Logging

  • timber
  • wood
Photo by Fostive Visual for WRI Indonesia
  • timber
  • wood
Life at WRI Indonesia

End of Year and Rainy Season: The Best Time to Play Monopoly

  • deforestation
  • forests
  • Indonesia
  • timber
  • Life at WRI Indonesia
  • deforestation
  • forests
  • Indonesia
  • timber
  • Life at WRI Indonesia

Indonesia Has a Carrot to End Illegal Logging; Now It Needs a Stick

  • deforestation
  • Indonesia
  • timber
  • deforestation
  • Indonesia
  • timber

What FLEGT license means for illegal logging

  • deforestation
  • technology
  • timber
  • deforestation
  • technology
  • timber

Fires Spread Across Indonesia as Parliament Approves Haze Treaty

  • air quality
  • emissions
  • fire
  • forests
  • Indonesia
  • Indonesia forest fires
  • palm oil
  • pollution
  • timber
Forest fires in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Photo credit: Billy Gabriel/Flickr
  • air quality
  • emissions
  • fire
  • forests
  • Indonesia
  • Indonesia forest fires
  • palm oil
  • pollution
  • timber