International Conference & Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Remote Sensing for Forestry Applications
Indonesia’s deforestation rate which has decreased from 2016 to 2020 is one of the achievements in the effort to meet the nation’s emission target. The next challenge is how to maintain this achievement for the sake of sustainable forest and land use management. Achieving this target requires robust monitoring, reporting, and verification system within the forestry sector.
The use of remote sensing has been very beneficial in providing more detailed and accurate data and information about land cover and land cover changes. These data and information are certainly needed to beat the challenges of forest and land-use management like rapid detection of disturbances and to be applied for law enforcement. The benefits of remote sensing have been widely spread, one of which is that information on indications of tree cover loss in an area can now be available in near-real-time which can be accessed by anyone and anywhere. This rapid detection helps stakeholders in preserving natural resources from threats of disturbances such as illegal logging, deforestation, and fires.
Though remote sensing exists to solve the extent of natural resources and the limited availability of human resources, there is still a lot of work to be accomplished in order to benefit remote sensing results by more parties. To facilitate opportunities for networking, collaboration, and exchange of ideas with internationally renowned scientists and experts in remote sensing evidence-based practice, the Research Organization of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) BRIN and World Resources Institute Indonesia (WRI Indonesia) held The International Conference and Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Remote Sensing for Forestry Applications.
Day 1 - Conference
Date: Wednesday, November 17th, 2021
Time: 09.00 AM - 16.00 PM Jakarta Time
- Data Analysis Methods
- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Remote Sensing
- Land Applications
- Natural Hazard Assessment
- Geostatistics
- GIS Techniques and Technologies
Keynote Speakers (Opening):
- Dr. Laksana Tri Handoko, M.Sc. - Head of BRIN
- Prof. Dr. Erna Sri Adiningsih, M.Si. - Head of OR PA (LAPAN)
- Dr. Nirarta Samadhi - Director of WRI Indonesia
Invited Speakers (Plenary Session):
- Matt Hansen, UMD - Department of Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland
- Dr. Ir. Bambang Supriyanto, M.Sc. - Director General of Social Forestry and Environmental Partnership (PSKL)
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Muh Aris Marfai, S.Si., M.Sc., Head of Geospatial Information Agency (BIG)
See the full flyer for a detailed list of speakers here.
Download the presentations here.
Day 2 - Workshop
Date: Thursday, November 18th, 2021
Time: 09.00 AM - 16.00 PM Jakarta Time
- Machine Learning Application for Forestry using Python Platform
- Land Use Land Cover Classification using Google Earth Engine
Invited Trainers:
- Drs. Kustiyo, M.Si., BRIN/LAPAN
- Fajri Ramdhani, M.Si., WRI Indonesia
Download the presentations here.