

28 Resources for

5 Big Ideas to Address the Climate Crisis and Inequality in Cities

  • cities
  • climate change
  • sustainable cities
  • sustainable urban mobility
  • urban development
The DistritoTec project in Monterrey, Mexico is drawing people back to a denser, safer and livable inner city. Photo by Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • cities
  • climate change
  • sustainable cities
  • sustainable urban mobility
  • urban development

Now We Can Calculate Our Individual Emissions with EMISI app (Indonesia Zero Emissions Application)

  • access to information
  • cities
  • emisi
  • emisi gas rumah kaca
  • transport
Aksi individu yang terkesan kecil bisa berdampak besar jika dilakukan bersama-sama. Kredit foto: Akil Mazumder/Pexels
  • access to information
  • cities
  • emisi
  • emisi gas rumah kaca
  • transport

4 Benefits of Participatory Tree Mapping for Jakarta's Development

  • Cities & Transport
  • cities
  • green infrastructure
  • low carbon cities
  • sustainable cities
Pepohonan di tengah kota Jakarta. Kredit foto: ssopian88/pixabay
  • Cities & Transport
  • cities
  • green infrastructure
  • low carbon cities
  • sustainable cities

Personalizing Carbon-Footprint from Our Travels to Mobilize Climate Action

  • Cities & Transport
  • cities
  • low carbon
  • low carbon cities
Different transport systems and use pattern lead to different emissions and offsetting potentials.Photo credit: WRI Indonesia
  • Cities & Transport
  • cities
  • low carbon
  • low carbon cities

5 Maps Show How Moving Indonesia’s Capital Could Impact the Environment

  • cities
  • deforestation
  • forest
  • peatland
Jakarta's sky around Senayan area. Photo credit: Aaron Minnick/World Resources Institute
  • cities
  • deforestation
  • forest
  • peatland

3 Things to Consider Before Moving Indonesia's Capital from Jakarta

  • Cities & Transport
  • cities
  • deforestation
  • forest
  • water risk
Jakarta skyline. Flickr/Alex Hanoko
  • Cities & Transport
  • cities
  • deforestation
  • forest
  • water risk

Too Many Cities Are Growing Out Rather than Up. 3 Reasons That’s a Problem

  • cities
  • governance
  • poverty
  • urban development
Informal settlements at the edge of Mumbai, India. Photo by Johnny Miller/Unequal Scenes
  • cities
  • governance
  • poverty
  • urban development

Reaching 3 Global Goals Means Major Change for Cities

  • Cities & Transport
  • cities
  • IPCC
  • Cities & Transport
  • cities
  • IPCC

Reaching 3 Global Goals Means Major Change for Cities

  • cities
  • urban development
  • cities
  • urban development

IPCC 1.5° Report: We Need to Build and Live Differently in Cities

  • Cities & Transport
  • cities
  • climate change
  • IPCC
  • low carbon cities
Wiping down rooftop solar panels in Mumbai. Flickr/The Climate Group
  • Cities & Transport
  • cities
  • climate change
  • IPCC
  • low carbon cities
  • cities
  • forests
  • water

Greening up Asian Games as energy of Asia

  • cities
  • climate
  • cities
  • climate

Q&A: What Is the Future of Green Building?

  • cities
  • energy efficiency
  • sustainable cities
  • cities
  • energy efficiency
  • sustainable cities

Integrating Public Transport Networks to Overcome Jakarta Traffic Congestion

  • cities
  • sustainable cities
  • sustainable cities initiative
  • transportation
  • cities
  • sustainable cities
  • sustainable cities initiative
  • transportation

Photo Essay: How Climate Change Affects the Urban Poor in India and Indonesia

  • Cities & Transport
  • adaptation
  • cities
  • climate change
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Cities & Transport
  • adaptation
  • cities
  • climate change
  • India
  • Indonesia