Membandingkan Pendekatan Global dan Nasional untuk Memperkirakan Tingkat Deforestasi di Negara-negara REDD +
Kertas kerja ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kepada masyarakat umum nonteknis seperti pembuat kebijakan iklim dengan menawarkan perbandingan sistematis antara metode-metode pengawasan hutan yang dikumpulkan oleh negara REDD+ dan inisiatif pengawasan hutan global. Pertama, kami meninjau perkiraan deforestasi dari 33 level referensi hutan nasional dan subnasional (forest reference emission level/FREL) yang diajukan ke UNFCCC, yang merupakan data dasar bagi setiap negara dalam upaya konservasi di masa depan. Laporan ini juga menjelaskan seberapa besar dan mengapa ada perbedaan antara hasil perkiraan tersebut berbeda dari hasil yang menggunakan metode penghitungan hilangnya tutupan pohon global dari Hansen et al. (2013) yang konsisten. Laporan ini juga mendiskusikan potensi penggunaan pendekatan global untuk meningkatkan akurasi dan menghemat biaya, potensi hambatan yang bisa muncul, dan memberikan rekomendasi.
Temuan Utama
Saat ini publikasi hanya tersedia dalam bahasa Inggris
The GFC tree cover loss data of Hansen et al. (2013) represent a transparent, complete, consistent, and reasonably accurate way to monitor tropical deforestation in an operational environment that is capable of supporting broad policy initiatives. Even without adjustments made to fully accommodate national forest definitions, GFC tree cover loss data represent an unbiased proxy for tropical deforestation reported across all REDD+ countries. Differences exist at the scale of individual REDD+ countries for a variety of reasons. With appropriate filtering to accommodate different national forest definitions, the alignment of GFC and national estimates would likely improve in many cases. In other cases, questions remain about the exact reasons for differences between national and global data.
Ringkasan Utama
Saat ini publikasi hanya tersedia dalam bahasa Inggris
Forests have enormous potential to mitigate against climate change and could help the world reach the goals of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. Forests soak up CO2 and deforestation releases it. An increasingly diverse menu of methods is being used by countries and international research organizations to monitor forests and estimate rates of deforestation. These multiple methods produce results of various quality, which is a barrier to cross-country comparisons and leads to confusion about which methods and results are most accurate, especially for countries claiming results-based payments for initiatives to halt deforestation. This working paper explains how much and why results differ between nationally reported deforestation estimates and the Global Forest Change (GFC) tree cover loss data of Hansen et al. (2013). Across all REDD+ countries, the GFC data represent an unbiased proxy for tropical deforestation and are produced for a fraction of the cost of what has been invested in national forest monitoring systems. Opportunities to align, adapt, or customize global data for national forest monitoring and reporting may help reduce costs and improve the long-term sustainability and comparability of national systems, while maintaining desired levels of accuracy and national ownership.
Global Forest Watch
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