Making Big Ideas Happen

Pendekatan Kami

Di WRI Indonesia, kami berusaha mencapai perubahan dengan melibatkan langsung berbagai pemangku kepentingan sementara terus bersandar pada gagasan-gagasan besar dan analisis untuk memungkinkan proses pengambilan keputusan yang lebih baik di berbagai level tata kelola. Perkembangan yang berkala dan sistematis dibutuhkan untuk mencapai dampak positif di negara yang berkembang secara dinamis dan pesat seperti Indonesia, dan hal ini tercermin dengan jelas melalui formula Count It (Ukur), Change It (Ubah), Scale It (Perluas).

Count It

We start with data. We conduct independent research and draw on the latest technology to develop new insights. Our rigorous analysis identifies risks, unveils opportunities, and distills recommendations for decision-makers. We focus our efforts on influential and emerging economies, where the future of sustainability will be determined. In particular we will focus our efforts to:

  • Promote innovative solutions and analyses that transform business-as-usual into best practices of data-driven decision making in the sector
  • Conduct continuous evaluation and assessments upon the effectiveness and efficiency of existing policies and regulations to ensure accountability and accelerate progress
  • Utilize maps as well as other spatial analysis tools as the missing component in ongoing processes related to land use and resource management
  • Leverage WRI assets (Global Forest Watch, Aqueduct, Greenhouse Gas Protocol) to various in-country stakeholders
  • Empower local partners to conduct their own technical researches

Change It

We test our ideas and use the findings to inspire action by government, business, and civil society. We work with partners to drive change on the ground that alleviates poverty and strengthens human well-being. We set measurable objectives and hold ourselves accountable to ensure our outcomes will endure. We strive to carry out the following action items:

  • Strategize to influence policy and decision makers in the sector
  • Increase stakeholder awareness surrounding the issue of sustainable principles in land use and natural resource management
  • Provide recommendations to enhance on-the-ground enforcement and implementation
  • Advocate good governance and transparency principles in resource-intensive sectors
  • Leverage coalitions with civil society organizations to increase impact and enable greater change in the public and private sector
  • Engage entrepreneurs to conduct economic analysis and business modeling that could change business-as-usual

Scale It

We don’t think small. Through our Signature Initiatives, we create positive tipping points for change. We work with partners to build networks and scale our efforts regionally and globally. We evaluate our success by transformative policies and actions by government, business, and civil society that will sustain a healthy environment and expand opportunities for all people.

  • Convene various stakeholders to engage in multiple-way conversations regarding natural resource management
  • Facilitate public-private partnership that enable greater change
  • Expand geographical focus to various parts of Indonesia over time
  • Cultivate champions and relationships with unique partners and media to achieve scale