Ahli dan Staf

WRI brings together 1,400 experts and other staff in working in seven programs: food, forests, water, energy, cities, climate and the ocean and four centers of excellence for business, economics, finance and equity. Our staff and researchers work globally to produce data-based solutions that generate real change on the ground.

92 Featured Experts

Pakar & Staf Program

Maria Theresia Vinetha N.

Project Operations Specialist

Maria Vinetha

Hendrika Tiarma Wulandari Samosir

Social Forestry and Agrarian Reform Improvement Project Lead

Satya Budi Utama

Project Manager for Clean Air Catalyst

Arif Fajar Utomo

Sr. Lead Engagement, Energy and Sustainable Business

Arif Utomo

I Made Vikannanda

Urban Mobility Manager

I Made Vikannanda

Bianka Sekar Wardani

Human Resources Coordinator

Ariman Niswari Waruwu

Project Operations Specialist

Retno Wihanesta

Senior Program Lead for Urban Transport Planning

Arief Wijaya

Program Director

Arief Wijaya.

Nada Zharfania Zuhaira

Net Zero Research Analyst

Ahmad Zuhdi

Smallholder Sustainability Officer


Grants and Finance Coordinator