Sakinah Ummu Haniy
Communications Coordinator
Sakinah Ummu Haniy (Haniy) is the Communications Coordinator at WRI Indonesia. She is responsible to support communications strategies and managing multiple communications channels for several projects and WRI Indonesia as an organization.
Prior to joining WRI, Haniy worked as a multimedia journalist for almost three years for Rappler Indonesia, a start-up media company headquartered in Manila, Philippines, which has been covering human rights issues in Philippines, Indonesia, and South East Asia since 2012. During her time as a journalist, she covered multiple issues including human rights and environment. She also used to work as a researcher for the public relations team of Indonesian Parliament (DPR RI).
She got a Master’s Degree in Media and Journalism from Newcastle University, United Kingdom, after she got a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from Universitas Indonesia. In her spare time, she loves traveling, eating out, sleeping, as well as playing with her nieces.
Forests and Landscapes in Indonesia
Visit ProjectData-driven analysis to support government and civil society actions for effective and equitable land-use in Indonesia.
Part of Forests & Land UseForests and Landscape Restoration/ Restorasi Hutan dan Bentang Lahan (RENTANG)
Visit ProjectInspiring, enabling and implementing restoration on degraded and deforested landscapes, enhancing their economic and environmental productivity.
Part of Forests & Land UseOne Map Initiative at the Local Level/Inisiatif Satu Peta di Tingkat Tapak
Visit ProjectOne Map Initiative at the Local Level is a collaborative initiative to achieve a sustainable and equitable land use and planning in order to support the government to implement low-emission development.
Part of Forests & Land UsePantau Gambut
Visit ProjectWRI Indonesia participates in an initiative, Pantau Gambut, an online platform that provides knowledge and learning about peatland to enable a meaningful public participation in peatland restoration.