

772 Resources for

People are Key to Combating Climate Crisis. The New Version of EMISI App Can Help.

  • Cities & Transport
  • electricity
  • emisi
  • emisi gas rumah kaca
  • fashion
  • food
  • transport
  • waste
Membeli sayuran lokal di pasar terdekat bisa mengurangi emisi individu. Kredit foto: Alex Hudson/Unsplash
  • Cities & Transport
  • electricity
  • emisi
  • emisi gas rumah kaca
  • fashion
  • food
  • transport
  • waste
Life at WRI Indonesia

WRI Indonesia Development Strategy in Papua

  • local impacts
  • Papua
  • Life at WRI Indonesia
Membangun kepercayaan organisasi masyarakat sipil Papua penting untuk menghasilkan dampak yang besar. Foto: Rizky Haryanto/WRI
  • local impacts
  • Papua
  • Life at WRI Indonesia
NbS mampu menghadirkan multimanfaat dan bersifat lebih adaptif daripada infrastruktur fisik. Foto: CHUTTERSNAP/Unsplash
  • adaptation
  • climate change
  • flood
  • natural infrastructure
ASEAN members could play a crucial role in reducing global marine plastic debris. Image: Noveradika/ANTARA FOTO
  • oceans
  • plastic pollution
Life at WRI Indonesia
WRI Indonesia family at Kirananda's wedding. Photo credit: private collection
  • emisi
  • Life at WRI Indonesia
Sebagian hutan mengalami penebangan. Kredit foto: WRI Indonesia
  • deforestasi
  • pantaujejak

3 Key Interventions to Support the Ban on Single-Use Plastic

  • governance
  • plastic pollution
Seorang perempuan berjalan di depan mural pelarangan plastik. Kredit foto: NPAP
  • governance
  • plastic pollution

How Emerging Economies Can Pursue Green Recoveries

  • climate
  • coronavirus
  • forest restoration
  • green economy
Photo credit: Ricky Martin/CIFOR
  • climate
  • coronavirus
  • forest restoration
  • green economy

Gaining Ground