

772 Resources for

Mapping, Management, and Mitigation: How Peatlands Can Advance Climate Action in Southeast Asia

  • climate
  • Indonesian Peat Prize
  • Mapping
  • peat
  • peatland
Despite playing a major role in climate action, peatlands have been deforested and drained for agricultural lands. Photo credit: Nanang Sujana/CIFOR
  • climate
  • Indonesian Peat Prize
  • Mapping
  • peat
  • peatland

The Role of Economic Valuation for Regulating Service of Mangrove Ecosystem

  • coast ecosystems
  • economic valuation
  • ecosystem services
Mangrove memiliki jasa pengaturan, yaitu sebagai benteng pertahanan alami bagi wilayah pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil. Kredit foto: Bayu Setiawan/Unsplash
  • coast ecosystems
  • economic valuation
  • ecosystem services
Seekor orang utan di hutan tropis Kalimantan Tengah. Kredit foto: Jorge Franganillo/Unsplash
  • deforestasi
  • pantaujejak

Our Forest Management After COP26

  • Climate
  • deforestation
  • emissions
Logging activities, wood being loaded to trucks. Credit: Zuraidah Said/WRI Indonesia
  • Climate
  • deforestation
  • emissions
Agroforestri berbasis paludikultur merupakan solusi budi daya berkelanjutan di lahan gambut. Kredit foto: Aries Munandar untuk Pantau Gambut
  • lahan gambut

Ecosystem Services Factors


3 Ways to Ensure Corporate Net-zero Targets Are Credible

  • climate
  • corporate sustainability
  • emissions
  • climate
  • corporate sustainability
  • emissions
Papeda, the staple food of people in eastern Indonesia. Credit: Raras Cahyafitri/WRI Indonesia
  • food

Red Alert: 3 Strategies for Reducing Toxic Ozone Pollution

  • air quality
  • pollution
  • air quality
  • pollution

Jakarta Faces Climate Crisis by Strengthening Tree Protection

  • climate change
  • greenhouse gas emissions
Pohon adalah aset ekologis yang dapat membantu memerangi krisis iklim. Kredit: Simon Wilkes/Unsplash
  • climate change
  • greenhouse gas emissions
Setiap tahun, lebih dari 620 ribu ton sampah plastik terbuang ke laut. Kredit foto: Sergei Tokmakov/Pixabay
  • oceans
  • plastic pollution
Ilustrasi pepohonan pada hutan yang telah ditebang. Kredit foto: Dave Herring/Unsplash
  • deforestasi
  • pantaujejak
Mangrove memberikan banyak manfaat bagi lingkungan, sehingga pengelolaannya menuntut peran berbagai pihak. Foto: Waranont/Unsplash
  • forest
  • landscape