

772 Resources for

Primary Rainforest Destruction Increased 12% from 2019 to 2020

  • deforestasi
  • Global Forest Watch (GFW)
Penebangan ilegal di lahan adat amazon Pirititi. Kredit foto: Felipe Werneck/Ibama
  • deforestasi
  • Global Forest Watch (GFW)

Clean Air Catalyst

3 Types of Peatlands to Avoid for the Food Estate Program

  • lahan gambut
  • peatland
Peatland in Sebangau River, Central Kalimantan. Photo credit: Hidayah Hamzah/WRI
  • lahan gambut
  • peatland

3 Reasons Why Food Estate Does Not Answer Food Security and Nutrition Agenda

  • creating a sustainable food future
  • food
  • food security
Intervensi bagi permasalahan pangan sebaiknya tidak dilakukan dengan cara-cara yang memiliki risiko lingkungan, ekonomi, dan kesehatan. Foto oleh Kemal Jufri untuk WRI Indonesia
  • creating a sustainable food future
  • food
  • food security

This Interactive Chart Shows Changes in the World's Top 10 Emitters

  • climate change
  • climate data
  • climatewatchindonesia
  • emissions
  • greenhouse gasses (GHG)
  • Paris Agreement
The world's top emitters have changed since world leaders met in Paris, France to adopt the Paris Agreement. Photo by Anthony Delanoix/Unsplash
  • climate change
  • climate data
  • climatewatchindonesia
  • emissions
  • greenhouse gasses (GHG)
  • Paris Agreement

5 Big Ideas to Address the Climate Crisis and Inequality in Cities

  • cities
  • climate change
  • sustainable cities
  • sustainable urban mobility
  • urban development
The DistritoTec project in Monterrey, Mexico is drawing people back to a denser, safer and livable inner city. Photo by Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • cities
  • climate change
  • sustainable cities
  • sustainable urban mobility
  • urban development
Ilustrasi kayu dari penebangan pohon. Kredit foto: WRI Indonesia
  • deforestasi
  • pantaujejak

Climate Action Must Progress Far Faster to Achieve 1.5 C Goal

  • Climate
  • agriculture
  • climate change
  • climate science
  • deforestation
  • electricity
  • forest
  • industry
  • Paris Agreement
  • renewable energy
  • Climate
  • agriculture
  • climate change
  • climate science
  • deforestation
  • electricity
  • forest
  • industry
  • Paris Agreement
  • renewable energy